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Ancient India ORIGIN of All Civilizations (case of Kassites 1415-1155 BC, Hittites 1500-1360 BC & Mitanni 1600 and 1350 BC)

As I say, again and again, Ancient India (Bharat Sanatan IVC/Sarasvati Tamil) was origin of all civilization worldwide (case of Kassites 1415-1155 BC, Hittites 1500-1360 BC & Mitanni 1600 and 1350 BC) : I wonder, for how long it will take for Western / Islamic scholars to acknowledge it ! 1. The whole region of Syria and Turkey were under Hindu rule for 1000 years under the Kassites, Hittites and Mitanni. The world has recognized Mitannian civilization as the Hindu Civilization because of the clay tablets showing Rig Vedic Gods and Sanskrit numbers and Sanskrit names Dasaratha (tushratta), Pratardhana, Sathya Sila =hattusa=hattusili 2. Nayan Tara means Star of the eyes (IRIS). It is a popular Hindu name for girls. Nayan Tara got corrupted and became Ayn Dara in Syria. Hindus worship goddess in different forms. One of them is Eye of the Goddess; It is worshipped even now in the Naina Devi temple in Himachal Pradesh, India (Naina=Nayana=Eye) . It is a very popular temple attracting thousands of devotees with EYE of the goddess as the main symbol. It is one of the 51 Shakti Kendras (51 Centres of Goddess Parvati). 3. Ain Dara temple in Syria belongs to 1300 BCE. It is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. It is similar to Solomon temple (Word Solomon is also Sanskrit word meaning Surya; Solar=Surya=Solomon=Sulaiman in Arabic). 4. As Hindus worship the same Goddess Durga with 51 different names in 51 Goddess temples on the Indian Sub Continent, Middle East people worshipped goddess as Ishtar, Ashtarte (to the Babylonians), Ashtoreth (to the Hebrews), Douga/Durga (in Tunis), Kathayee (in Carthage ) and several other names. If one reads the attributes of the gods, one wold find out that it is one and the same. (Douga and Carthage are place names – named after goddess). 5. Big Lion statues are excavated; lion is the vahana (mount) of Hindu Goddess Durga; even today all the temples take the goddess on lion statue during Hindu festivals in India. 6. Dwadasa means Twelve; Aditya means Suns. The twelve Adityas represent 12 months of Sun’s orbit. They are Vedic deities. 12 Adityas were sculptured on huge rocks of Yazilikaya Rock Temple, Turkey #Indonordicassociation(dot)org

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